


埃尔迈拉大学's 艺术 degree program is about finding your creative voice and channeling it into a successful future. With four areas of study, you'll specialize your creative talents to fit any industry. 你们的教授本身就是艺术家, with decades of experience that they bring into the classroom and studio. 除了你的教授的指导, 你可以使用设备齐全的, spacious studios and computer labs to put your theory and artistic eye into practice.

启动应用程序 完整课程列表


You will develop more than just your own artistic skills – you will also learn critical thinking, 沟通, 分析, 和解决问题. The 艺术 degree program at Elmira also ensures that by graduation, you'll have developed a portfolio of work to showcase to potential employers. Graduates of our 艺术 program have gone on to become teachers, 专业的艺术家, 插图画家, 设计师, 艺术处理程序, 画廊经理, 和策展人. And many students at Elmira choose to double major in art/业务、艺术/心理学、艺术/人类学、艺术/英语,或艺术/历史.



Getting the education you want shouldn't mean sacrificing yourself to a future of debt, which is why 埃尔迈拉大学 has one of the lowest undergraduate tuition prices of any four-year private college or university in the region. 连接 with a financial aid counselor to find the best aid for your wallet and your future.

学费 & 成本


mg冰球突破豪华版下载, we recognize that planning for how to finance your education is a vital part of your college search process. To start, you need to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA). 越早提交FAFSA, the better to secure the most aid available based on your financial need.



每只飞鹰, 无论是第一次上大学, 转移, 或者是国际学生, 是否获得过学术奖学金或奖励. All accepted students are automatically reviewed for a scholarship or award with amounts ranging from $13,000 to $25,000人,其中5人竞争, 提供全额奖学金.


你的艺术作品可以帮你支付大学学费! Find out how through our new portfolio-based 艺术 scholarship.



你对艺术感兴趣,但正在攻读其他专业吗? 辅修艺术或数字艺术 & 平面设计辅修可能是完美的选择.

艺术辅修要求 数字艺术

Create YOUR Elmira Experience with a viewbook customized just for you!

Create YOUR Elmira Experience with a viewbook customized just for you!
