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Your place in the business of fashion starts here.

Named after the American fashion icon, 汤米希尔费格时尚商学院将商业教育与现实世界的时尚行业经验相结合. 希尔费格, 汤米•希尔费格公司的创始人,也是全球时尚界的传奇人物, has deep roots in the Elmira area. His entrepreneurial career began with his local store, 人的地方, 并最终发展成为世界上最知名的服装品牌之一. 汤米·希尔费格时尚商学院让mg冰球突破豪华版下载的学生有机会跟随希尔费格的脚步,同时探索时尚商业基础和最新的市场趋势.

A strategically designed curriculum and hands-on, out-of-the-classroom experiences, create a place where students learn about, not only the daily operations of the fashion industry, 还有历史, 的人, and the deep connections it has to other industries.


Photo credit to © Craig McDean / Art + Commerce



mg冰球突破豪华版下载的汤米·希尔费格时尚商学院有一个独特的现实世界的焦点,将准备你在时尚行业的商业和领导角色. 学校非常重视体验式学习,包括时尚行业实习, 团队项目, 实地考察旅行, guest speakers and consulting projects. You will work with experienced academic and industry professionals, with cutting-edge educational methods in small class sizes.


如果你热爱时尚, are into marketing campaigns, thinking about demographics, and positioning a product, then consider a 时尚营销 minor or concentration. 时尚营销是学习在正确的时间向正确的人推销时尚产品. 你将学习如何使用市场调查来定位促销,从在线活动到大型活动.



If you're into business and love fashion, then you might consider a 时尚的商品 minor or concentration. 时尚营销就是学习分析市场趋势,了解消费者行为,做出明智的购买决定. 你会知道如何以合适的价格把合适的商品卖给合适的人.


Fashion Business Generalist

If you want a broad understanding of the business of fashion, 时尚商业通才辅修课程提供全方位的课程,教授时尚行业中令人兴奋的角色所需的技能. You’ll learn about upcoming fashion trends like sustainable fashion, how to source materials and negotiate pricing, 分析市场, and develop targeted marketing campaigns.

Fashion Business Generalist


埃尔迈拉大学 offers students hands-on, experiential learning in small classes, 与业内领先的时尚专业人士一起为您提供真实世界的时尚体验.

Partnership with the Fashion Institute of Technology

埃尔迈拉大学 and the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT), a college of the State University of New York, 与汤米·希尔费格时尚商学院(汤米•希尔费格 Fashion Business School)合作,为商学院学生提供申请FIT的机会 Global Fashion Management (GFM) Master's in Professional Studies (MPS) program. 完成埃尔迈拉汤米希尔费格时尚商业课程并符合FIT入学要求的学生将被鼓励申请FIT的MPS课程. 这包括成功完成并获得工商管理学士学位(BA),辅修或专注于 时尚的商品 or 时尚营销. Students must have a final minimum grade point average of 3.毕业后具有三年以上相关专业工作经验, not including internships.


Frequently Asked Questions

What careers will the 汤米•希尔费格 Fashion Business School prepare me for?

时尚产业是世界上最大的面向消费者的产业之一, with an estimated annual sales volume of US $1.全球5万亿美元. Future job prospects in the field are promising, with growth predicted in consumer marketing positions in general, as well as expected growth in emerging markets worldwide. Graduates can expect to find jobs as a retail buyer, 视觉业务跟单, 商品规划, fashion marketing manager, brand manager and market research analyst.

Are there internship opportunities?


What degree will I graduate with?


Can I graduate within four years?

是的. Students may complete the program in four years, 但汤米·希尔费格时尚商学院(汤米•希尔费格 Fashion Business School)的课程设计也允许学生在三年内完成课程, 让学生有机会通过mg冰球突破豪华版下载的研究生院合作伙伴到国外学习, transition into a graduate program, or begin working in the fashion industry.


Elmira and the 希尔费格 Family

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Photo credit to 汤米•希尔费格 Archive

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Photo credit to 汤米•希尔费格 Archive

汤米·希尔费格时尚商学院是与希尔费格家族合作创办的, 在埃尔迈拉长大的人. 汤米·希尔费格(汤米•希尔费格)在mg冰球突破豪华版下载(埃尔迈拉大学)的校园里,向学生们出售喇叭裤,在时尚界留下了他的第一个印记,后来他在自己的第一家店里雇佣了很多这样的人, which was located in Elmira.

学院和希尔费格家族共同创建了一个项目,带来了共同的愿景: mg冰球突破豪华版下载是我们的地盘. A place that fosters an exchange of ideas and self-expression. 这是一个培养批判性思维能力的地方,同时也提供了广阔的视野. 这里是新一代时尚人士追逐梦想的地方.


汤米•希尔费格 Fashion Business School 新闻

汤米, 安迪, 金妮, 和Betsy 希尔费格在Meier Hall的Stephans休息室采访了工商管理专业的学生和Alison Wolfe教授.

汤米•希尔费格 And Family Share Their Wisdom At 埃尔迈拉大学
