


我们对你们的承诺不会在你们毕业后停止. 我们在mg冰球突破豪华版下载的职业资源为我们的Alumni未来做好准备. 是否需要别人帮你更新简历和求职信, 练习面试, 或者帮助建立人际关系,或者从一个职业过渡到另一个职业, 职业生涯 服务 looks forward to helping you build your confidence to take on your next professional challenge. 

“我能够将我所学到的知识应用到现实世界中. ... 这些经历为我在EC内外的成功打下了基础.”


对本科生和研究生都一样, sourcing resume-worthy experiences is essential to reaching your career goals after college. We put you one step ahead by incorporating career preparation in our curriculum through a variety of preprofessional options. Two places you can start building a resume are in community engagement 和 professional internships.

在就业服务办公室, we're here to help you find the right experiences that help you with your career goals. 握手mg冰球突破豪华版下载Alumni之火 实习和求职过程中的关键工具是什么. 我们很乐意指导你!

Two male students 和 a female student carry a boat above their heads across Eldridge Park during a community service outing


mg冰球突破豪华版下载的社区参与提供了学习机会, 培养公民责任, 涉及地方层面的学生, 并支持mg冰球突破豪华版下载的社区. 如果你是全日制学生, you must complete 60 hours of community engagement with a nearby nonprofit service organization within a 50-mile radius of campus.



我们优先考虑专业准备. 作为mg冰球突破豪华版下载通识教育要求的一部分, you are expected to complete field experience through career-related internships 和/or research experiences. You can search f或实习 opportunities in your department to get started.



想要建立你的职业技能并参与你的社区? 然后考虑加入mg冰球突破豪华版下载的职业培训俱乐部! 我们帮助您在毕业前建立网络并建立体验式学习. 


If you're focused on Education, Nursing, or Communication Science, you're in luck! We have preprofessional groups in these programs that will offer you the chance to have real-world training.




准备是成功面试的关键. Here are some important tips to consider when you're speaking to your future boss:

  • 穿着得体: 考虑一下你要为之工作的公司文化类型. Dress professionally 和 use common sense when you're choosing your wardrobe 和 accessories. You can get some starter clothes from our 职业生涯 Closet — you can find more information about that below.
  • 做好调查研究: 了解一下公司和你申请的职位.
  • 准备好谈话 ... 听: 想一些与职位相关的问题, 公司文化, 和期望, 一定要参与进来. 注意你的肢体语言, 表现出热情, 记住:沟通的一部分是知道如何成为一个好的倾听者!
  • 是你自己: 尽量放松,让你的个性闪耀. 雇主想看到的是你的真实性,而不仅仅是你的技能和才能.
  • 跟进: 面试结束后发一封感谢邮件, 让你的潜在雇主知道你很感激给你这个机会.


Here are some of our recommended experiences to list on your resume or graduate applications 和 demonstrate your 技能 和 goals. Exp和 these options below to learn more about how you can get a promising start.


A research project can bolster a graduate school application by demonstrating your 技能 和 critical-thinking abilities 和 can give you relevant experience in your area of study. A research project that results in publication can also give more weight to your application since it demonstrates your contribution to the academic community.


Students who plan to obtain an advanced degree 和 qualify for the high st和ards of graduate study can pursue a pre-graduate school internship. The pre-graduate school internship fulfills the career-related internship requirement. Projects for the pre-graduate school internship may include but are not limited to the following:

  • 实验室科学的原创研究
  • 创建艺术作品集
  • 统计假设检验和/或模型构建
  • Interpretation 和 analysis of the activities of social agencies or businesses
  • Graduate-level scholarship on a historical, literary, or philosophical subject

These experiences are important because they serve as building blocks toward your bigger career goals, 帮助你获得知识, 技能, 和信心.


打算继续读研究生的学生, 进入一个研究领域, or into a creative role may work with a faculty member to write an original thesis or produce an original body of work appropriate for their field of study. This thesis or work should result in a significant 和 appropriate contribution of new ideas or material to the field.



Need help finding the best colleges 和 universities that carry your program of interest? 这份研究生指南提供了有用的建议和文章.




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职业衣橱欢迎捐赠衣物. 如需捐赠,请发送电子邮件至职业服务 eccareers@埃尔迈拉.edu 或打电话 (607) 735-1830. 你也可以通过访问来支持职业衣橱的金钱捐赠 www.埃尔迈拉.edu/give,选择“其他-请参阅下面的名称”,并指定“职业衣橱”.”



Our 办公室 职业生涯 服务 wants to help you take advantage of all of these amazing professional opportunities. Get in touch with us, 和 let's work together to promote the future you’ve been dreaming of!

